Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Using PHP Weathermap with Observium

The PHP Weathermap plugin is a very popular tool for mapping the link load of a network environment. It is usually used as a plugin to Cacti or MRTG but as Observium is gaining popularity I decided to make a quick guide for how you get the weathermap nicely integrated with Observium in a way that does not break when updating to newer versions of Observium.

This guide assumes that you have a working installation of Observium already, preferably a installation that was done using the Debian/Ubuntu-guide.

1. Download the modified version of PHP Weathermap from github github: https://github.com/ZerxXxes/weathermap-for-observium and put it in your observium/html-directory.
The easiest way to do this is using git:
cd /opt/observium/html/
git clone https://github.com/ZerxXxes/weathermap-for-observium.git weathermap
2. If you have used different paths for observium or the weathermap-plugin you will need to edit the variables in data-pick.php and map-poller.php, if you are following the installation guide then the default variables will work.

3. open the file editor.php and change the value in the beginning to:
As long as this value is true everyone who knows the right URL will be able to access the weathermap editor, its therefore recommended to change this value back to false as soon as you are done editing.

4. Make sure the directory configs/ is writable by your webserver, one way is to change to owner of the directory to the webserver-user: (in Ubuntu the webserver user is usually called www-data)
cd weathermap/
chown www-data:www-data configs/
5. Create a new directory called maps/ and make the webserver-user the owner
mkdir maps/
chown www-data:www-data maps/
6. Now use your webbrowser and access the editor in weathermap/editor.php (i.e. surf to observium.myurl.com/weathermap/editor.php)

7. Create a new map by writing a name and click create map. Note that the map name *must* end with .conf (i.e. networkmap.conf)
Edit your map, create nodes and draw links and then pick graphs from Observium to use with the links.
*NOTE* Under Map Properties, make sure to define Output HTML Filename to maps/<mapname>.html and Output Image Filename to <mapname>.png

8. Make the file map-poller.php executable for your system by doing:
chmod +x map-poller.php
9. Add a new line in the cronjob at /etc/cron.d/observium after the Observium polling and discovery:
*/5 * * * * root /opt/observium/html/weathermap/map-poller.php >> /dev/null 2>&1
10. Move the file navbar-custom.inc.php in the observium/html/includes/-directory. This file does not exist by default in Observium but Observium looks for this file and include the code from it if it exists, this makes it possible to add custom menus that does not break when you upgrade you Observium installation.
mv navbar-custom.inc.php /opt/observium/html/includes/navbar-custom.inc.php
 If you are using the current community edition (based on revision 5229) or any revision older than 5670 you should instead use the file navbar-custom-old.inc.php and rename it.

Now that's it!
All .html-files in the maps/-directory will be linked in a sub menu in the Observium GUI like this:

Clicking on one of them will take you to the rendered weathermap where you will get a nice overview of your networks load.
Hovering the mouse over a link will show the Observium graph for that link like this:

And clicking on a link will take you to the Observium-page for that link.

Hope this guide has been helpful for you and thank you for reading!


  1. Thanks for this, great addition to Observium!

    1. Thanks mate, worked as described in your blog!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the tutorial, I really like this! How did you add the Traffic Load legend? Also, are you actively working on this?

    1. I'm not working on the PHP Weathermap or editor itself, its a whole different project which I have no part in found here: http://www.network-weathermap.com/
      I only did some coding for having the gui in observium work with the weathermap.

  4. Disregard my "Traffic Load legend" question, turns out it was simple enough :P

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. map-poller.php is not generating any html file. When I run it from CLI; go the following output:

    PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method PEAR::isError() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /usr/share/php/Console/Getopt.php on line 109
    PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method PEAR::isError() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /usr/share/php/Console/Getopt.php on line 154
    PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method PEAR::isError() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /usr/share/php/Console/Getopt.php on line 154
    PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method PEAR::isError() should not be called statically in /opt/observium/html/weathermap/weathermap on line 60
    WARNING: configs//networkmap.conf: OVERLIBGRAPH is used, but HTMLSTYLE is static. This is probably wrong. [WMWARN41]

    Any clue?

    1. Hi,

      Did you ever figure out what the issue is by any chance. I am getting almost the exact error when I run it from cli and it doesn't generate any maps.

      Thank you in advance.

    2. you need to add a @ in the php files before the PEAR - meaning @PEAR::isError instead of PEAR::isError

  7. Getting "This editor is not finished!" and won't create a new map, any ideas where to start here? Cheers

  8. Everything's working for me except I don't get graphs when I hover over links. What might I be missing from the configuration, please? I can _click_ on a link and it takes me to that link's graph, but there's nothing on mouseover...

    1. OK, I figured this one out. I needed to manually edit each of the .conf files to include the line "HTMLSTYLE overlib" somewhere near the top.

  9. Hey, I re-installed with git and grabbed the latest files and now my map-poller.php doesn't generate any maps! Also, when I run it I don't get any sort of output what so ever. Even when running with the "-d" option. Anybody seen this before? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  10. FYI I'm at the new CE Rev 6000 for Observium. I tried reverting to older code for weathermap but no dice. The map-poller.php just doesn't do anything :(. Heads up if anyone is upgrading to rev 6000.

  11. Was anyone able to figure out the issue with graphs not being created? I am not getting any errors, see below.

    [root@observe weathermap]# /opt/observium/html/weathermap/map-poller.php -d
    Conf dir: configs/
    Opened directory configs/
    File to be run is lab.conf
    Running php ./weathermap --config configs//lab.conf --base-href /weathermap/

  12. Dear All,

    I configured weathermap using the link


    But when I get to the observium GUI, I get the weathermap link under the
    Overview but I don't get to see any graphs.

    1. Hello,
      did you create new maps from scratch or did you copy existing ones?
      If you copied them from cacti make sure to modify them according to step 7.

    2. I'm having the same issue, and I created a new map.

  13. In latest observium community edition (11.6000) html creation is not working..
    You have to comment out:

    include("../../includes/functions.php"); in map-poller.php

    replace PEAR::isError with @PEAR::isError in /usr/share/php/Console/Getopt.php

    then the html files is generated..

    Turn on debugging :
    in /opt/observium/html/weathermap/weathermap
    and run
    php ./weathermap --config configs/networkmap.conf --base-href /weathermap/


    1. I'm still getting errors with this. I have Weathermap in the Observium dropdown, however there are no maps to click on. When I run the last command you mention I get the following errors:

      root@server:/opt/observium/html/weathermap# php ./weathermap --config configs/networkmap.conf --base-href /weathermap/

      PHP Warning: fopen(configs/networkmap.conf): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/observium/html/weathermap/lib/Weathermap.class.php on line 1789

      PHP Warning: file_get_contents(configs/networkmap.conf): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/observium/html/weathermap/lib/Weathermap.class.php on line 3080

  14. Hi Best Practice

    I know nothing about PHP development management so i was wondering if you tell me how to display my maps in observium home page where the google maps appear with out going to a new page.

    its bit tedious having to go back the whole time to view a new map?

    i hope the above makes sense.

  15. navbar-custom-old.inc.php

    Someone can share the link of this file?

    1. http://best-practice.se/dump/navbar-custom-old.inc.php.txt

    2. Thanks best-practice for that file. I have created the file navbar-custom.php in the directory /opt/observium/html/includes/ and the sub-menu Weathermap appears now on observium web page

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I was attempting to follow along when I noticed that the repository was no longer being hosted by Neil. I searched through his similar repositories and it only applies to his new project.

    Does anyone have the original repository cloned/forked so that I can grab a copy of it?

    1. Found this dump that someone did and don't see any issues: (Does this have changes listed above?)

    2. This version is working (and safe) as of commit "49bd19a".

      I am however having the issue with graphs not appearing on hovering over links. I've set "HTMLSTYLE overlib" in the config but it doesn't seem to be resolving the issue. Any thoughts?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I needed to move overlib.js down a directory into /opt/observium/html/

      After, I needed to fix the map-poller.php line about rrdcached as Magnus had above.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Hello,

    Very good article. Thanks a lot.

    I was able to fully integrate weathermap with observium into a raspberry pi3
    But i am wondering if it is possible to integrate the network weathermap plugin in observium in a way that is showed in the frontpage instead of the geomap

    Thank you !

  20. Hello,

    Very good article. Thanks a lot.

    I was able to fully integrate weathermap with observium into a raspberry pi3
    But i am wondering if it is possible to integrate the network weathermap plugin in observium in a way that is showed in the frontpage instead of the geomap

    Thank you !

    1. Hi, I'd like to have the Weathermap on the frontpage instead too. I think this should be possible as you can configure the frontpage elements etc, but not sure if it works with a plugin.

  21. not working on Observium CE

  22. Still working on (rolling). I installed it way back when I had the CE from the beginning of 2015.

    1. maybe it works if you upgraded from earlier versions, but try to edit maps. On CE i'm trying a fresh install.

  23. Is your project still available on GitHub? I'm getting an error when trying to pull it into the HTML directory.

  24. /opt/observium/html/weathermap# ./map-poller.php
    PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/includes/db.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /opt/observium/includes/definitions.inc.php on line 438

  25. I found a few alternatives to the non-working GIT respository in the doc: https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=observium+weathermap&type=Repositories&ref=searchresults
    please let the community know your successes & failures...

  26. /opt/observium/html/weathermap# ./map-poller.php
    PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/includes/db.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /opt/observium/includes/definitions.inc.php

  27. can you help with this issue please ?

  28. Did someone know how to put the Maximum Bandwidth legend on the map?

  29. I have the weathermap installed and see it listed under the dropdown menu but when i create a new map with the editor and save it to maps/network.html there is nothing in the maps directory or nothing to view under weathermaps. If i manually create a .html file in the maps directory i see it listed when i select weather maps menu. Any ideas?

  30. Hi!
    Late in the Game, but i wonder if you got some tip why nothing responds (error 500) when klicking the link object (the one that let you choose interface data-pck thingy) I got the Observium in the default setup but maybe i need to change a path somewhere or a userright on some folder!

    1. Hi, its because php weathermap does not support PHP7 so if you run that you need to edit a file. There is a diff found here: http://pastebin.com/tT0KzMdt on what you need to edit. However its reversed so you need to add everything that begins with -.
      Basically you need to replace all mysql_ functions with mysqli_

  31. Dude, this is great which you have developed. But i am not able to find the repository in github...could you please help me here.

    1. This worked for me, GIT repository changed since document was posted:

      git clone https://github.com/tobzsc/weathermap-for-observium.git weathermap

  32. I could see the weathermaps and weather editor on the page, after I created the test.conf, it doesn't create the output files even I tried output file name "test.jpg" and output HTML filename "maps/test.html" with www-data write permission on "maps" folder. Any ideas?

  33. hi, i installed everything correctly (i think), but i get an error while using map-poller.php

    PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/includes/db.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /opt/observium/includes/definitions.inc.php on line 475

    is there someting i need to change?

  34. After installing weathermap, i then tried to create a node and pick from observium. However, nothing is listed which obviously there should be something in the list but it says No results. Is it something that is missing from my config? Any help is highly appreciated.
    Thank you.

  35. not working in turnkey linux ver 8128 the editor can be opened but weathermap bar not showing the maps and config

  36. Since updating to r9294 my maps are no longer updating....

  37. How to upgrade observium weathermap from 9.7 to 9.8?

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  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Just followed the steps but when create nodes or links option pick from observium is not a clickable link. Is there any way to fix it?

  42. Hello,
    It doesn't open the maps page when i click on it.. it just reload the observium page.
    Any help ?

  43. Is this guide still valid with Observium CE 19.8.10000 ?

  44. Hi, When I add a new node and click on it nothing happens. I should see a list with all our devices and select the correct one. Any idea please

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  51. I'm getting errors with this. I have Weathermap in the Observium dropdown, however there are no maps to click on. When I run the Debug command ( opt/observium/html/weathermap/map-poller.php -d)
    following errors:

    [root@localhost weathermap]# /opt/observium/html/weathermap/map-poller.php -d
    PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/includes/common.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /opt/observium/includes/functions.inc.php on line 15

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/includes/common.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /opt/observium/includes/functions.inc.php on line 15

  52. I am getting fatel error in path on line 15 - /opt/observium/includes/functions.inc.php
    [root@localhost weathermap]# cat -n /opt/observium/includes/functions.inc.php
    1 <?php
    2 /**
    3 * Observium
    4 *
    5 * This file is part of Observium.
    6 *
    7 * @package observium
    8 * @subpackage functions
    9 * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2024 Observium Limited
    10 *
    11 */
    13 // Observium Includes
    15 require_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/common.inc.php"); // already included in observium.inc.php before definitions
    16 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/http.inc.php");
    17 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/encrypt.inc.php");
    18 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/rrdtool.inc.php");
    19 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/influx.inc.php");
    20 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/syslog.inc.php");
    21 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/rewrites.inc.php");
    22 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/templates.inc.php");
    23 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/snmp.inc.php");
    24 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/entities.inc.php");
    25 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/geolocation.inc.php");
    26 include_once($config['install_dir'] . "/includes/alerts.inc.php");
